To bring together students and teacher educators to discuss and share research, theory, and best practices to initiate and sustain meaningful professional dialogue across languages, levels and settings


Economic people of ASEAN which was declared in 2015 has just begun. Slowly but surely UNISMA gives a significant contribution and enters the free trade and welfare of the Economic People of ASEAN through English language which is used as an official language of ASEAN. English as an international language should be understood because it is a language that is used to communicate with the world.

Intensively, UNISMA emphasizes the Understanding of the significant English usage as global language in campus premises by approaching lecturers to lecturers and lectures to students. Then, the more important is to change the mindset that English should be the second language which is spoken by the member of the university.

UNISMA Foreign Language Center has many teaching guidelines to make students (lectures) actively speak English fluently. And also the students, they have many references to learn English such as books, videos, social media, and other multimedia. But, it does not show a good result. The problem is the students feel inconfident to practice English for communication and it makes the learning process does not give the maximum results. Thus, using English is convinced to be one of the efforts to make learning process easy and fun. In other words, we can say ‘’if you don’t use it, you may lose it. In his research in 2014, Christopher McCormick said that a country with higher English competence give a significant impact to the country’s economic growth. Christopher places Singapore as an example of a country with high English Proficiency Index which is followed by high Gross National Income Per Capita. It makes Brazil and India left behind. The next consideration is recently the leader in the business world choose countries where the people try to develop their English Competence to get global investment.

A country where they can recruit employees who are able to work in an international environment and a country where they can place their employees who speak English.

Those questions should be answered and taken as an opportunity because Indonesia competes with other ASEAN countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Based on the research, among ASEAN countries Indonesia is on the third level of English Proficiency Index (EPI). The levels on EPI show how business investment runs in ASEAN. It’s the time, the momentum of ASEAN Economic Community 2015, Indonesia should be known as a country whose most people understand and speak English. The first thing to do is to use English in the workplace and educational institutions. It gives opportunities for people to access education, technology, and better international business. It is urgent to familiarize English because English opens the world through the global business today.

The goal of FLDC of UNISMA is to establish compulsory English program for graduate students in their third and forth semester (ESP Intensive English Program), Arabic Language Program, and Indonesian for Speakers of other Languages. Beside English courses, FLDC also provides other language services such as General English, English for kids, English for conversation, Public speaking, English for paper writing, EAP/EOP Preparation, TOEFL/IELTS Preparation, and special classes based on students’ needs, translation services (general texts, special documents, and abstracts)